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Astronomic / Solar Time |
True astronomic / solar time for any location |
Get real Astronomic / Solar Time |
Find out current astronomic/solar time for any place in the world. It may seem amazing but the time on your watch or mobile some time differs significantly from the true time. For example if you get up at 7 a.m. it is ok if it is true. Your time-zone may differ from true astronomic time as much as 2+ hours so you may really get up at 4-30 a.m. when your body and mind are still sleeping. We calculate true astronomic / solar time according to the current sun position with the seasonal correction. You may use this time for your curriculum optimization, astronomic observations, astrology or even religious cults. To find out the current solar time of the place just click at the satellite map and follow the link. Please select locationMove the satellite map and click at the location you want to get true astronomic time for. You can zoom if you want. |